Did you know you can pay for others’ parking?
Now, you can add up to 3 or even more cars to your Govicle account.
All you have to do is swipe the left from the main screen to add a new vehicle. It’s super simple and easy and now, you can use our app once you’ve added a second car.

Govicle has no limit to paying for parking, but we have a few superb features for your vehicle management. You can not only pay for your own cars, but you can also help pay for the parking of others! Even if it’s your friends or family!
Be sure to download Govicle app on your phone to help you manage your car better!
Features include:

Pay and extend parking remotely

Insurance and road tax renewal free instant quotation in 2 minutes

Find the nearest car wash around you

24/7 nationwide roadside assistance (SOS)

And monitoring your car’s health:
- Active warranty
- Spending info
- Reminder on the next mileage service
- Car info