Why Should You Park with JomParking?

In this digital age, the evolution of technology has seen us progressed from utilizing paper parking tickets to e-ticketing systems or electronic tickets. While the paper ticket provides a sense of nostalgia and is easy to carry around, the adaptation that stems from the changes in technology, growing demands from the public and the state of the pandemic we are in have ushered a new era of digital ticketing systems. With that said, why should you have JomParking as your default parking app then? This article will shed light on your question.

Efficient in Saving Time
At Govicle, we know that time is of the essence and you will need to make the best out of it. Hence, JomParking was developed with this goal in mind to provide you with the best Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) experiences. With JomParking, you will no longer have to go through long queues or deal with the parking payment directly. Instead, the app allows you to make your payments anytime and anywhere!

Encourages Cashless Transactions
Sometimes, carrying a high amount of cash can be quite a hassle as you will need to keep them properly sealed or kept inside your wallet. Plus, there is the risk of robbery because carrying a large amount of cash in your hand would make you a bigger target for criminals. With JomParking, you will be able to avoid this risk altogether as the secure digital payment system encourages you to go cashless. Given the current state of the pandemic we are in, perhaps going digital is the best and most sanitary way to deal with your daily businesses.

Enable Payments for Other Vehicles
While changes and adaptations come ever so naturally for the younger generations, the elderly might find it difficult to explore and understand the functional properties of these apps. We understand your dilemma and serve to remedy this issue instantly. Hence, JomParking allows you to register more than one vehicle on this app. As a result, you will now be able to make your parking payments for your friends or family.

Extend Your Parking Time Freely
Walking to the nearest autopay machine can be a bit of a chore, especially if you are new to the area or have to queue up to make your payment. At times, you will have to extend your parking time manually and that would mean a long walk to the coin or parking machine. JomParking clears all of these nuisances for you as our parking application enables you the luxury of extending your parking duration right at the end of your fingertip anywhere anytime.

Establish an Environmental-Friendly Way to Park
Global warming is real, the iceberg is melting and tones of trees are being chopped down daily. Deforestations are carried out rampantly across the globe to cater to our ever-increasing demands for paper, tissues, furniture and clear lands for development to take place. By opting for JomParking, you can also contribute to greener earth as we seek to reduce the use of paper. Going paperless is convenient for your daily activities as you would no longer need to print a receipt or carry them with you at all times.
In conclusion, if you are contemplating the best way to park, then JomParking is your answer for a hassle-free and efficient parking experience. For more information on JomParking’s app or who we are, feel free to pay our website a visit or contact us at +603-2712 3133.